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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I missed class last night so maybe someone can just let me know what you guys did in class?  After reading all of these posts about the Deaf-Blind retreat, I really wish I did not have to work so I could have gone.  In our Linguistics class, we've been reading and learning about tactile ASL and I have found it to be fascinating.  Here is a video of some people experiencing tactile ASL. The goggles simulate types of blindness in some Deaf-Blind individuals.


  1. We learned about Visual Phonics and the 15 methods to help a Deaf child read.

  2. Thanks for sharing this video! I was reading the different posts as well, and I missed out on a great class :( I think that it is always a rare opportunity to get the perspective of someone with a different situation than yours, so the goggles is a great way to help experience what deaf-blind people go through.


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