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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Just a thought...

Just a thought... as we were all sitting in our seats listening to Cathy read Junie B. Jones: First Grader (At Last!), I could literally feel the energy from around the room.  Cathy's voice completely captured the essence of the diary entry...which possibly even took many of us back to when we were younger, writing our own little first grade journals! 

However...  after Cathy had finished reading and asked "what if you were a deaf first grader" the room went completely dead, the likes of which I haven't experienced in quite some time.  I am just curious what made us react in this way?  How exactly have we trained ourselves to think about Deaf children and their learning and understanding abilities?  Just a thought. 


  1. Now that we have gone through class last night...I'm going to ask is a student who is Deaf and a student who is hearing different as a 1st grader being read that story? WHY? What differences are there, if any? What accommodations need to be made, if any? What does a teacher need to do differently, or does she?

  2. When she asked that question it did take my by suprise as well. An i dont see the deaf in any negative light, if anything i look up to them but when asked to put myself in their shoes it does take you by suprise. I fell silent because i imagined myself actuallh being deaf and what my other senses would be enhanced and just how id interpret things


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