Your Final Exam is now available. It parallels all of our previous tests. I had thought to include some multiple choice but did not. I have linked the questions to the outcomes on the syllabus. Please do not let this confuse you. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to post your questions here on the blog, FB message me, text, email or call me.
I will be available after class on Monday night if anyone is struggling with any of the questions and wishes to talk with me or go over questions together.
Note, this is the FINAL and I will be grading per what the questions ask. We have gone over this in class and I am confident I have clearly stated the expectations, modeled how to do this and provided the support. I am also fully confident you are capable of answering the questions as they are stated. I look forward to reading what you have learned.
Mrs. White
(By the way, just curious - have any of you ever heard Steve Harvey talk about those people who address him as Steve and those who address him as Mr. Harvey? - just wondering)
I really enjoyed how this final was set up. I was able to clearly understand what you were asking from me and reflect on what all I have learned this semester.