I look back on this semester and have found some very good viewpoints to take home with me, even if they are different than my own. I really appreciated some of the experiences shared this past Monday because it really shows you that Deaf people are not the same across the board. Although I love the ASLIE Dept and the Deaf people there, it is such a small number of exposure to what exactly it means to be Deaf. I enjoyed hearing the different experiences because I have not met someone who prefers a different signing style other than ASL, however now I look forward to the differences that I will meet in my interpreting career. These site visits have been my most favorite thing from this class and I am actually looking forward to hearing everyone else and the different Deaf clients they met with.
Anyway, everyone enjoy the upcoming summer.
Its been a pleasure.
Yes this class was a real eye opener for me to see the sometimes enormous challenges that deaf educators face. Often we are thinking only of the deaf client, but there is so much red tape in our society that it can really hinder progress. Our educational system does not need any more red tape but rather a heart full of a desire to educate. That means whatever works best for the deaf student, ASL, CASE, SEE, whatever....if it is effective communication..then use it! You're right, I will also take what I've learned from this class and remember it clearly as I accept potential assignments in the educational field of interpreting. Good discussions weekly ;)