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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Monday's Class

Monday's class was very interesting to see how people perceived each statement and why from the powerpoint. It made class interesting to get up and move around and to see the size difference in each corner. For example, the first statement everyone was in either the agree or disagree corner and then there was one person who strongly agreed. Getting up and moving around also allowed me to meet some people in the class that I never got to talk to before.
See you all on Monday!


  1. I agree it was really interesting. I felt that I was personally more engaged in the class because I had to move around and really think about how i felt about each statement. It took me a minute to kinda warm up though, because I didn't want to stand out. After Nicolette stood for what she thought even though she was alone I found my own courage and wasn't afraid to stand up for what I thought and believed. And it was okay that everyone thought something different.

  2. I agree that it was a great way to see the different perspectives of each student. I found it interesting that some people has the same feelings about a certain statement, yet stood under two different signs. The questions really made us think. When someone explained their reasons on the complete other side, I could hear people with me say "well when you put it like that it does make sense!" It was fun. It would be even more fun if I wasn't so tired after a long day! :)

  3. That was a very good class!!! we can always learn from different perspectives... We must make sure we always do what is the best choice for the child in Education and not get bogged down in "politically correct" assumptions and think about that child!

  4. I completely agree! Both of your posts are great and very encouraging for Cathy to continue this activity. I think that at first maybe some people may not have first wanted to stand out and be so called 'different' rather than 'unique' but once everyone was able to analyze each statement differently and stand up for how they felt in each way it was great to hear others experiences and perspectives. I would say about half way through this past class's activity many people viewed each statement somewhat similar, until the end of the class. I felt that the statements pulled from our book were extremely different and were able to be perceived in many ways to readers. This is surprising to me, knowing that the exerts come directly from the book. These are the resources that we are learning from, it really makes me wonder what else are we students learning that could be viewed differently. The actual intent of the message may be portrayed one way, as to a reader would be viewing and analyzing as another!


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