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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"Sound and Fury"

In Aural Rehab, we watched a documentary, "Sound and Fury." The deaf family in the film is faced with the decision to let their child get a cochlear implant like she asked, or to let her grow up in her natural environment and decide at a later point in life. Through their decisions, the hearing grandma provides her thought and why she thinks a cochlear implant is best for all children causing family fights between the deaf and hearing sides. The film really is a tear jerker, and I highly recommend watching it, especially to the ITP majors.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen this and you're right. It is a good movie. I have friends who are deaf and they have mixed feelings about cochlear implants. But this all goes back to our whole SED337 learning...DO WHATEVER IS BEST FOR EACH CHILD and family ;)))


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