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Monday, February 18, 2013

Ok, am I the only one who loves this video? How cool is this technology? I understand some people don't agree with it, but I also could see why someone would want to go through with the procedure. I'd love to hear others thoughts about what they think about cochlears. Also, I found a video series about a family wanting to look into it for her daughter, I highly recommend it, I will post the first one of the series below. Like I said, please post your opinions! :) Also, the woman from the first video is writing a book about her adventure through the crazy hearing world. It just came out not too long ago here is a website to the publishing company where you can buy a copy: Powered On (book)
This is part 1:


  1. This is interesting. I don't know where I fall on the cochlear implant debate yet. It is interesting to see both sides of the issue discussed.

  2. I think it is wonderful that the 29 year old lady was able to finally hear herself. She is obviously much happier now that she can hear. But, I do not agree with babies being implanted with cochlear implants because they do not have a choice in the matter. Technology can be a wonderful thing. I didn't see the doctor in the second video telling the parents with their newly diagnosed deaf child the risks or failure rate for these implanted children. Kentucky school for the Deaf (KSD) and many other deaf schools have a large number of students that have been implanted, but did not succeed. My son went to school there and I have met many of them myself.

  3. I think it is wonderful that the 29 year old lady was able to finally hear herself. She is obviously much happier now that she can hear. But, I do not agree with babies being implanted with cochlear implants because they do not have a choice in the matter. Technology can be a wonderful thing. I didn't see the doctor in the second video telling the parents with their newly diagnosed deaf child the risks or failure rate for these implanted children. Kentucky school for the Deaf (KSD) and many other deaf schools have a large number of students that have been implanted, but did not succeed. My son went to school there and I have met many of them myself.


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